A Balanced and Broadly Diversified ESG Portfolio with a Global Reach and Low Costs

Perfil de riesgo

  • Conservador

El perfil de riesgo, derivado de las fluctuaciones pasadas del mercado, muestra el riesgo al que está expuesta la cartera. Esta evaluación ayuda a armonizar sus inversiones con sus objetivos financieros y su propensión al riesgo.

Perfil de diversificación

  • Enfocado

El perfil de diversificación evalúa la distribución de las inversiones entre distintas clases de activos, regiones y sectores. Esta evaluación ayuda a reducir los riesgos, maximizar los rendimientos y evitar la concentración excesiva en una sola área.

Para qué tipo de inversor es adecuada esta cartera

This portfolio is best suited for an investor who prioritizes sustainable investing while seeking a balanced risk-return profile. The ideal investor is likely looking for long-term growth through global stock markets, comfortable with the inherent volatility of equities. They appreciate the importance of global diversification and ESG principles but should also be aware of the potential for short-term fluctuations. Their investment horizon is likely medium to long-term, with a moderate risk tolerance that aligns with the portfolio's balanced approach.

¿Es ese su tipo de inversor? Haz la prueba


  • Vanguard ESG North America All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating
  • Vanguard ESG Developed Asia Pacific All Cap UCITS ETF
  • Vanguard ESG Emerging Markets All Cap UCITS ETF
  • Vanguard ESG Developed Europe All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating

The portfolio presents a balanced approach, leveraging a mix of ESG-focused ETFs covering North America, Developed Asia Pacific, Emerging Markets, and Developed Europe. This strategic choice underlines a commitment to sustainable investing across a broad geographical spectrum. The allocation across these ETFs shows a preference for North American markets but doesn't shy away from diversifying into both developed and emerging markets elsewhere. This setup aims at capturing growth across different regions while adhering to ESG principles.

Clases de activos

  • Acciones
  • Otros

With a staggering 99.9% of the portfolio invested in stocks, it's clear the portfolio is equity-heavy. This concentration in one asset class underscores a pursuit of growth, typical of a balanced risk profile aiming for higher returns over the long term. However, the minimal diversification outside of equities, represented by the 0.1% in 'Other', suggests a potential vulnerability to stock market volatility. Diversifying into other asset classes, such as bonds or commodities, could provide a buffer against market swings.


  • Tecnología
  • Finanzas
  • Salud
  • Consumo Cíclico
  • Industria
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Bienes de cons. perecederos
  • Materiales básicos
  • Bienes Raices
  • Servicios públicos
  • Energía

The sector allocation reveals a strong leaning towards technology and financial services, making up nearly half of the portfolio. This indicates a bet on sectors that have shown resilience and growth potential. However, the relatively lower allocation to traditionally defensive sectors like utilities and energy suggests a comfort with assuming higher volatility for the chance of greater returns. Balancing this with more investments in defensive sectors could mitigate risk without significantly dampening growth prospects.


  • Norteamérica
  • Europa
  • Japón
  • Asia Emergente
  • Asia
  • Asia-Pacífico
  • Africa y Media Oriente
  • Latino América
  • Europa Emergente

The geographic distribution of assets showcases a well-rounded global exposure, with a significant weight in North America and a balanced representation across Europe, Asia, and other emerging markets. This global diversification is key to tapping into various economic growth drivers and reducing the risk associated with regional downturns. However, the relatively lower exposure to Latin America and Africa/Middle East could be an opportunity to further diversify and capture growth in frontier markets.

Costes actuales del producto

  • Vanguard ESG North America All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating 0,12%
  • Vanguard ESG Developed Asia Pacific All Cap UCITS ETF 0,17%
  • Vanguard ESG Emerging Markets All Cap UCITS ETF 0,24%
  • Vanguard ESG Developed Europe All Cap UCITS ETF (USD) Accumulating 0,12%
  • Costes totales ponderados (por año) 0,15%

The portfolio benefits from relatively low costs, with a total expense ratio (TER) averaging 0.15%. This is commendable as lower costs directly translate to higher net returns over time. The choice of Vanguard ESG ETFs, known for their cost efficiency, aligns with a prudent investment strategy that doesn't compromise on sustainability. Maintaining a focus on keeping costs low while seeking opportunities to further reduce expenses could enhance long-term investment outcomes.

¿Y ahora qué?

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Las inversiones implican riesgos. Los usuarios deben ser conscientes de que el valor de las inversiones puede fluctuar y de que el rendimiento pasado no es un indicador de resultados futuros. Es importante considerar cuidadosamente su propia tolerancia al riesgo y sus objetivos financieros antes de tomar decisiones de inversión.

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