Growth-Oriented Portfolio with Broad Diversification Across Global Markets and Sectors

Perfil de riesgo

  • Conservador

El perfil de riesgo, derivado de las fluctuaciones pasadas del mercado, muestra el riesgo al que está expuesta la cartera. Esta evaluación ayuda a armonizar sus inversiones con sus objetivos financieros y su propensión al riesgo.

Perfil de diversificación

  • Enfocado

El perfil de diversificación evalúa la distribución de las inversiones entre distintas clases de activos, regiones y sectores. Esta evaluación ayuda a reducir los riesgos, maximizar los rendimientos y evitar la concentración excesiva en una sola área.

Para qué tipo de inversor es adecuada esta cartera

This portfolio is best suited for an investor with a high risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon. Such an investor is likely seeking significant capital appreciation and is comfortable with the volatility associated with a heavy equity allocation. They understand the importance of global diversification across sectors and regions to tap into growth opportunities while managing risk. This investor is also cost-conscious, appreciating the need to keep investment expenses low to maximize returns over time.

¿Es ese su tipo de inversor? Haz la prueba


  • iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF
  • iShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS ETF USD (Acc)
  • iShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Acc)

The portfolio showcases a strong growth orientation, primarily invested in a mix of global ETFs that cover developed, emerging, and small-cap markets. The allocation is heavily weighted towards the iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF at 60%, followed by the iShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS ETF at 30%, and a smaller allocation to the iShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF. This composition suggests an aggressive approach to capital appreciation with a broad geographical and market capitalization coverage. It's crucial to understand that while this diversification aids in risk management, the heavy reliance on equity exposes the portfolio to market volatility. A recommendation would be to periodically review the allocation to ensure it aligns with changing risk tolerance and financial goals.

Clases de activos

  • Acciones
  • Efectivo

The portfolio is almost entirely invested in stocks (99.3%), with a minimal cash holding (0.6%). This asset class distribution supports the growth-focused strategy but comes with higher volatility and risk. It's important for investors to be aware of the implications of such a heavy stock allocation, including potential for significant short-term fluctuations in portfolio value. Considering the growth objective, this is expected, but it's advisable to evaluate comfort with these fluctuations. If necessary, introducing more stable asset classes like bonds could provide a buffer during market downturns without drastically shifting away from the growth objective.


  • Tecnología
  • Finanzas
  • Consumo Cíclico
  • Industria
  • Salud
  • Telecomunicaciones
  • Bienes de cons. perecederos
  • Materiales básicos
  • Energía
  • Bienes Raices
  • Servicios públicos

Sector allocation reveals a heavy tilt towards Technology, Financial Services, and Consumer Cyclicals, making up roughly half of the portfolio. This sector distribution is reflective of a growth strategy, as these sectors often have higher growth potential. However, it also introduces sector-specific risks, such as regulatory changes or economic cycles affecting these industries more significantly. Educating oneself on the cyclical nature and risks associated with these sectors is essential. Diversifying further into sectors with different economic sensitivities can help mitigate some of this risk while still aiming for growth.


  • Norteamérica
  • Asia Emergente
  • Europa
  • Asia
  • Japón
  • Africa y Media Oriente
  • Latino América
  • Asia-Pacífico
  • Europa Emergente

Geographically, the portfolio is well-diversified, with a significant portion in North America (50.5%) and notable allocations to Asia Emerging (15.4%) and Europe Developed (12.3%). This global exposure is beneficial for tapping into growth opportunities worldwide and spreading risk across different economic environments. However, it's important to understand the geopolitical and currency risks involved with international investing. Keeping abreast of global economic trends and potentially increasing exposure to underrepresented regions could enhance diversification benefits further.

Costes actuales del producto

  • iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF 0,20%
  • iShares Core MSCI EM IMI UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 0,18%
  • iShares MSCI World Small Cap UCITS ETF USD (Acc) 0,35%
  • Costes totales ponderados (por año) 0,21%

The portfolio's costs are relatively low, with a total expense ratio (TER) of 0.21%. This cost efficiency is crucial for long-term growth, as lower costs directly translate to higher net returns. Understanding the impact of costs on investment returns is vital, and this portfolio does well in minimizing expenses. However, it's always beneficial to periodically review investment costs, ensuring they remain competitive and do not erode returns unnecessarily.

¿Y ahora qué?

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Las inversiones implican riesgos. Los usuarios deben ser conscientes de que el valor de las inversiones puede fluctuar y de que el rendimiento pasado no es un indicador de resultados futuros. Es importante considerar cuidadosamente su propia tolerancia al riesgo y sus objetivos financieros antes de tomar decisiones de inversión.

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